The second reading was from the fifth chapter of Galatians, and was a very ironic one for my first weekend living in New Orleans. The section in question deals with sins of the flesh. You don't have to stretch your imagination to guess the writer's position. Let's just say that witchcraft, drunkenness, orgies (there goes Tuesday), and selfish ambition are out (joke's on them--I don't have ANY ambition, much less ambition of the selfish variety) and love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are in. I think I can handle up to eight of those.
In case you missed one of my previous facebook statii, here it is:
My N.O. driving experience so far:
"S***!" "
"Aw, son of a b****!"
*maniacal laughter*
"I'll turn around he--no, that's a one-way street, damn."
Garmin: "Recalculating . . ."
"Was that a stop sign? I can't see anything."
"Can I go? Can I go? What does that line mean? I'd like to go. Can I go?"
It's been much better lately. It's not that people drive crazily or traffic is terrible, because neither has been true so far. I just often don't have any idea what I'm doing. As one of my coworkers pointed out, "You can't take a left turn anywhere in the city, but you can U-turn the hell out of it."
I was chatting with a friend from high school the other day and stated that Hulu is much more dangerous than youtube. Hulu can give you videos of a much higher quality, the videos aren't limited to ten minutes, and they have permission to publish copyrighted material. If I miss Simpsons, Bones, or Chuck, I can just check Hulu. Lately I've been looking at a veritable tresure trove of old SNL skits. After indulging in the Celebrity Jeopardy skits (Suck it Trebek), I'm currently looking at at older, pre-1995 skits. The Chris Farley motivational speaker video had me laughing out loud, at least until I realized that 40% of the cast in that video, Farley and Phil Hartman, no longer set mortal foot upon earthly soil.
I'm not doing a bunch of souvenir shopping in New Orleans, but there is one thing that I'm looking for:
I saw this handsome devil in a souvenir shop in the French Quarter in Spring 2005. I wanted to buy him, but didn't think I could conveniently transport it back to D.C. by plane. I ducked into probably half a dozen shops this afternoon, but nobody has anything close. I will find you one day, Mr. Skull. I will.
Note: this was in the days I was still getting my hair cut by the nice Korean lady who had a setup on the ground floor of my apartment building in Alexandria. Same haircut every time. More her idea than mine, but I didn't mind.
In my last movie post, I forgot to mention Come Drink With Me, considered an important classic of Chinese martial arts movies. Cheng Pei Pei plays Golden Swallow, who must defeat the bad guys in order to save her brother. The movie was produced by the Shaw Brothers, who owned a huge studio they used to film all sorts of movies. The fighting is a little jerky, but they do some interesting things.
CDWM comes to us from 1966, the same year that gave us A Man for All Seasons (one of the all-time greats), Alfie, The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming (intriguing title, no?), The Sand Pebbles, and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? It's usually interesting to sort through some of the old Oscar nominations to see what was going on. Best Cinematography for that year went to Fantastic Voyage, a film where a submarine is shrunken down and inserted into a diplomat's bloodstream in an attempt to save his life. The Simpson did a takeoff on it in "Treehouse of Horror XV", titled "In the Belly of the Boss."
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